vrijdag 7 augustus 2015

Dry Bones

Royal Screw-up

 often use King Solomon to represent the actions of the Israeli government. Especially when it screws up!
According to Breaking Israel News:
"Ten years after the Israeli disengagement from Gaza, thousands of former Gush Katif residents are still struggling to rebuild their lives.
Gush Katif, which was a bloc made up of 21 Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip, was evacuated as part of the 2005 Israeli disengagement plan from Gaza, intended to help pave the way to peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
8,500 people lived and worked in Gush Katif, mainly in agriculture, with hundreds of acres of hothouses that provided a large portion of the country’s crops and flowers. Every single resident were forced out, with their homes and communities destroyed during the withdrawal.
In honor of the 10th anniversary of this difficult event in Israel’s history, the International Young Israel Movement is running a special program this summer. Called 10 Buses for 10 Years, the program brings visitors to meet and speak with former Gush Katif residents, tour the communities where they have rebuilt their homes and lives, and visit the Gush Katif Center, a museum dedicated to the history of the bloc.
Many former residents are still in dire need of help, both material and emotional, but with the passage of time, their plight has faded from public awareness. Yet a large number of them remain even today, 10 years later, without permanent homes or steady income.
Part of the reason why the expulsion is so difficult to cope with, said Oreet Segal, who lived in the Gush Katif community of Ganei Tal, was the loss of the singular spirit of the communities there. “It was a Garden of Eden hiding in the corner of this country,” she said. For kids, especially, “It was an idyllic place to grow up.”
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-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

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