vrijdag 10 juli 2015

Dry Bones

What's in a Name?

According to Palwatch:
Killer of 67 Israeli civilians honored by independent Palestinian TV Ma'an
Ma’an visits home of bomb maker, “heroic prisoner Abdallah Barghouti”
Barghouti’s father:
“I ask every Palestinian to follow in the footsteps of Abdallah Barghouti for Palestine and Jerusalem”
Attacks Barghouti prepared bombs for included:
Sbarro restaurant -15 killed
Sheffield Club - 15 killed
Moment Café - 11 killed
Triple attack at Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall - 11 killed
Hebrew University - 9 killed
Bus 4 in Tel Aviv - 6 killed
- more
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Help support the online Dry Bones Academy of Cartoon Advocacy and Activism: www.igg.me/at/drybones
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

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