maandag 23 juni 2014


PETITIE 1 voor Nederland 

Geen cent meer naar moordenaars en kidnappers

De Nederlandse regering wil doorgaan met het geven van geld aan de nieuwe Palestijnse regering.
Want Palestijnse terroristen krijgen maandsalarissen van de Palestijnse regering.
Hoe meer Joden gedood, hoe langer de Israëlische gevangenisstraf, hoe hoger het salaris en hoe hoger de bonus. 

Nederlanders die vinden dat de Nederlandse overheid moord op Joden niet langer mag belonen.
Dat massamoordenaars – die door aanslagen tientallen burgers vermoord hebben – een salaris krijgen dat gelijk is aan dat van een Palestijnse generaal.
Dat een waanzinnige zestien procent van de ‘ontwikkelingshulp’ die de Palestijnen krijgen, opgaat aan deze terroristensalarissen.
Dat de officiële televisie van de Palestijnse Autoriteit talloze programma's - ook voor kinderen - uitzendt, waarin systematisch Jodenhaat wordt gepreekt en geweld tegen Joden wordt verheerlijkt.
en verzoeken
dat Nederland het gevaar van radicale extremistische gewelddadige groepen eindelijk onder ogen ziet.
Geen cent meer naar moordenaars en kidnappers!

PETITIE 2 voor de VS en de EU

Sign the Petition to:

Stop Funding the 
Palestinian Authority

Petition to the United States and the European Union:

We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. The tragic kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers is the latest result of ongoing PA incitement against Israelis and its glorification of terror. Funding the Palestinian Authority is equivalent to funding terror.


We, the undersigned, stand united in demanding that the United States and the European Union discontinue funding the Palestinian Authority. Since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, the PA has been an active participant in campaigns to demonize Israel, incite against Israeli citizens and glorify acts of terror.
From a young age, children in PA-administered schools are taught that Jews are the enemy and must leave Palestinian land (‘all of Israel’) or be killed. It is obvious that peaceful co-existence with the State of Israel is not on the agenda of the Palestinian Authority.

In reaction to the tragic kidnapping of 3 innocent Israeli teens, Fatah, the leading party in the Palestinian Authority, posted a despicable cartoon on their Facebook page depicting the 3 boys as rats. The PA continued their incitement with a new campaign of photographing their children smiling and brazenly holding up 3 fingers, as if to say: “We got 3 Jews!”
PA President Abbas has confirmed that of the pledged $440 million in foreign aid that the PA will receive from the United States, an estimated $46 million will be allocated to support prisoners released from Israeli jails. Many of these “prisoners” are actually terrorists with blood on their hands, murderers of innocent civilians. It is an outrage that US tax dollars are going to support this.

Funding the Palestinian Authority is Against US Law

In the most blatant act of all, the PA has recently formed a unity government with Hamas, a terror organization whose stated goal is the destruction of the State of Israel, and by extension the Jewish People. The United States, by recognizing this unity government and cooperating with it, has crossed a red line. Not only is this morally repugnant but it is in violation of US law.

“The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act”, signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2006, prohibits American support for the PA until it agrees to “recognize Israel, renounce violence and disarm.” If the PA breaks its allegiance with Hamas, this would be a tactical, political move to gain world support. The PA’s ongoing incitement and support of terror preceded the unity deal with Hamas and will continue in any event.
We urge President Obama and the US Congress to heed the call of Senator Ted Cruz to suspend assistance to the PA unless it “takes specific steps to renounce and eradicate terror”, and to guarantee that “not one more US taxpayer dollar be sent to support them until they do.” We urge the EU and world leaders to recognize the PA as a supporter of terror and cease all funding immediately.
Signing this declaration will ensure that your name will be submitted to the White House, US Congressional leaders and the European Union, and that you will get important updates from United with Israel and its affiliates.

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